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Guidelines For Faculty and 工作人员

How to Help an Emotionally Distressed Student

威尼斯人在线社区的任何成员都可能接触到陷入困境的学生. 许多学生通过日记或论文引起教职员工的注意. Being aware of distress signals, 干预方法, 为学生提供帮助的来源可以帮助你更好地控制可能出现的情况. 个人发展和咨询中心的心理健康专家可以为教职员工提供咨询. 如果您想进一步讨论这些情况,请拨打562-1348与威尼斯人在线联系. You may also refer to the section on 施舍 for more specific information.

提交的有关学生行为或担忧的报告将提交给一个由合格的校园专业人员组成的跨学科小组. This panel is referred to as the Behavior Intervention Team (BIT).


Listed below are some of the more prevalent signs of someone in distress. 本清单仅提供基本信息,不能替代临床干预.

  1. 抑郁症. While we all may feel depressed from time to time, “正常的”抑郁症可能只有一到两个症状,通常在几天内消失. 临床抑郁的学生会在较长时间内表现出多种症状. Some of these symptoms are sleep disturbances, 注意力不集中, 食欲变化, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, 撤军, 糟糕的卫生, 丧失自尊, and preoccupation with death.
  2. 激动或发泄. This would represent a departure from normal or socially appropriate behavior. It might include being disruptive, 躁动或过度活跃, 是敌对的, and increased alcohol and/or drug abuse.
  3. 定向障碍. 你可能偶尔会看到一个学生表现出对周围发生的事情的意识下降, forgetting or losing things, misperception of facts or reality, rambling or disconnected speech, and behavior that seems out of context or bizarre.
  4. 吸毒和酗酒. 在课堂上或与他人互动时出现中毒的迹象表明存在需要评估的问题. For more information, please visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  5. 自杀的念头. 大多数(不是所有)企图自杀的人都很早就表达了他们的痛苦. These messages can range from, “我要自杀”到一连串模糊的“再见”或“我不想待在这里”. Non-verbal messages could include giving away valued items, 加上合法的, 金融, and University affairs in order. Any of these messages should be taken seriously.
  6. Violence and aggression. You may become aware of students who may be dangerous to others. This may be manifested by physically violent behavior, 口头威胁, threatening e-mail or letters, harassing or stalking behavior, and papers or exams that contain violent or threatening material.
  7. 焦虑/恐慌症. Anxiety is one of the most common complaints of students. Many students suffer from test anxiety. 症状可以从轻微的不适和躁动到感觉心脏病发作迫在眉睫. 对焦虑最简单和最有效的干预之一是深呼吸和有规律的呼吸.
  8. 饮食失调. 饮食失调 are difficult to spot, 部分原因是学生很可能会否认有问题或为他们的身体症状找借口. 在一般情况下, 在一个偶然或偶然的观察者能够识别出信号之前,饮食失调症必须非常严重. 威尼斯人在线观察到越来越多的男性患有饮食失调症——这不仅仅是女性的问题. For more information, please visit the National Eating Disorders Association.

Intervention Guidelines

虽然不期望你成为一个“看门狗”或你提供一个彻底的评估, 你可能是遇到困难的学生的第一个联系人,可以问一些问题. Following these guidelines can lead to a positive outcome for all.

  1. 安全第一! Always keep safety in mind as you interact with a distressed student. Maintain a safe distance and a route of escape should you need it. 如果对你或学生的危险迫在眉睫,拨打911或大学警察562-1254.
  2. Journal entries or reports from other students. 在某些情况下, 你会从别人那里听到苦恼的学生,或者在论文或杂志上读到他们的担忧. What you do next depends on many factors. 如果你觉得你和学生关系很好,没有感觉到迫在眉睫的危险, you might want to call the student and have them come in to talk with you. 另一种选择是打电话咨询咨询师,以采取什么步骤. You may wish to contact a Hall Director or the student's advisor. 如果你觉得学生有直接的危险,请拨打1254或拨打911拨打大学警察.
  3. 避免升级 Distressed students can sometimes be easily provoked. Avoid threatening, humiliating, and intimidating responses. 除非你确定学生的心理健康状况,否则“抬举级别”和维护权威通常不是一个好主意. Distressed students are in need of listening and support. 同情学生或使他/她的痛苦正常化可以使烦躁的学生平静下来. One can always remind them of rules at a later time.
  4. 问直接的问题. Take a calm and matter-of-fact approach. 直接询问学生是否喝醉了、神志不清或是否有伤害自己的想法. Address specific behaviors that you are noticing and express your concerns. You need not be afraid to ask pointed questions. You will not be "putting ideas in their heads" by doing so. 大多数苦恼的学生在知道有人注意到并正在关注时都松了一口气.
  5. Do not assume you are being manipulated. 然而,有些学生为了得到关注或逃避责任而显得痛苦是事实, 只有经过训练的专业人员进行彻底的评估才能确定情况是否属实. Attention-seekers frequently have serious problems as well. Believe a student until he or she demonstrates otherwise.
  6. 了解自己的极限. 你将能够帮助许多陷入困境的学生通过简单地倾听和介绍他们进一步的帮助. Some students will, however, need much more than you can provide. 尊重你可能有的任何不舒服的感觉,并专注于为他们提供所需的帮助. You can do this by reinforcing them for confiding in you, being accepting and nonjudgmental, trying to identify the problem area, 并表明寻求专业帮助是积极和负责任的.

Some Signs That You May Have Overextended Yourself

  • Feeling stressed out or overwhelmed by the situation
  • Feeling angry at the student
  • 感到害怕
  • Having thoughts of "adopting" or otherwise rescuing the student
  • Reliving similar experiences of your own

If you experience any of the above signs, you may consider further self-care, which may include seeking 咨询 through the Employee Assistance Program.

Referring a Student to 健康服务 - 咨询

许多学生对看治疗师犹豫不决,当转介学生到咨询中心时,对咨询表现出积极和接受的态度通常是有帮助的. Reassure the student that all information is confidential.

We do ask that students call ahead to set up an intake appointment. 如果你想发起电话是可以的,但威尼斯人在线也会想和学生交谈. Our phone number is 562-1348 and we are located at 健康服务.

威尼斯人在线有定期安排的入学和每日危机预约时间,并试图通过这些时间来适应学生. Obviously not every crisis can be scheduled and so we also do walk-ins. 如果你认为你要转介的学生有危机,最好提前打电话通知工作人员. Try to have someone walk the student over to 健康服务.

请记住,咨询师可以在办公时间(周一至周五)致电660-562-1348进行咨询, 8:00AM - 5:00PM) if you should have questions or concerns.

During non-office hours, please contact University Police at 660-562-1254. They will connect you with a counselor via telephone.

一旦学生成为健康服务的客户,信息就会被保密. The staff will try to relieve any anxiety you may have about the student, but without a release from that student, we cannot even divulge if they are attending sessions. Please be understanding of our constraints regarding confidentiality.

Additional Referral Sources

  • Health Services - (健康服务) - x1348
  • Vice President for Student Affairs - Student Union - x1242
  • Talent Development Center - 3rd floor Administration Building - x1726
  • Career Services - 1st floor Administration Building - x1250
  • 大学警察-支援服务大楼- x1254(校内)或911(校外),仅供紧急情况使用